Dark Sky | Black Rainbows EP

Album art for Dark Sky's "Black Rainbows" EP
Released last week, the “Black Rainbows,” EP is the playfully moody follow up to the London-town trio’s 2011, world-wide-web shaking “ Radius ,” EP. Reverting to their roots at Black Acre records, the combined efforts of Tom, Matt, and Carlos satisfy an array of expectations, from the dark hustle of “Zoom,” to the sassy bounce and finger wagging mystique induced by “Tremor.” Look forward to more from this incredulously consistant production unit in the coming months; Dark Sky is little else if not relentless.
Zoom – Dark Sky [UK-bass]
Totem – Dark Sky [UK-bass] [recommended]
Here’s a bone that they tossed back in January – tasty indeed.
Stand Off – Dark Sky [UK-bass]